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EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:09 pm
by Andy_C
I seem to have changed a very rich running MZ ETZ 250 into a Non runner .

All I did was to renew all the internals of the carb (correct size jets etc from a reputable dealer), and fitted a new float as the old one had a leak. Float height has also been set corectly.

Since doing this it has fired once - and that was on the first kick.

Ever since it refuses to run despite a new plug, timing being right, and a decent spark.

It started easily and ran previousley, it just ran very very rich.

I have dismantled the carb 5 or 6 times in an effort to find the fault - it HAS to be the carb dosent it? each time I put it back together very carefully, and every time it will not start.

What is also very strange, even putting a bit of fuel down the plug hole will not coax it to fire.

Anyone any ideas apart from throwing it over the nearest cliff edge :D

Re: EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:04 pm
by Blurredman
Is there any fuel on the sparking plug at all??

Have you tried bump starting it?

Re: EZT 250 Will not run - SORTED

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:58 pm
by Andy_C
Gave the carb a very thorough clean.

Goes like a good un now.

Starts easily, idles steady.

Hoping to take it for a run on the 1st of Aug when I get it taxed.


Re: EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:30 am
by Blurredman
I would take it easy and slowly increase the distances as your confidence increases.

It seems with MZ bikes in particular, if one has been standing, it can take an awful long time to gain confidence in them as things that have degraded or broken are replaced.

Just today I was late for work. I thought my bike was hunky dorey after yesterday fixing a charge/running issue. The damn thing had something else wrong with it this morning. :lol:

As much as I try to invest as little as I can into some machines, that term just means I will replace items that break or degrade and not replace EVERYTHING just as a matter of course. :roll: My confidence will come back in time.

Re: EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:36 am
it takes a long time to fix a parked bike..
nothing is broke till you get far enough from home it needs to be trucked (hauled in a lorry)
back to the shed

Re: EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:33 pm
by Andy_C
I know exactly what you mean David.

I have lost count of the amount of bikes that I have "rescued" over the years.

With this one the plan is just to do a couple of miles at first - only go as far as I can push the bike home.

Once I have done that a few times I'll have no qualms to try 20 miles or so.

It's what I usually do with most bikes, on the MZ I have been over just about everything except the gearbox.

Hoping that it willprove reliable.

Re: EZT 250 Will not run......

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:46 pm
The difference between a 4 and 5 speed. Is there is just one more gear to get jammed

Where i live a comet cvt belt drive and 400cc would work nice

Look up rokon rt 340